CSS Overlapping Elements

Overlapping Elements

CSS Overlapping Elements is a technique used to place two or more HTML elements on top of each other. This technique can be used to create interesting visual effects, such as overlapping text, images, and other elements.

Overlapping elements can be used in a variety of ways. For example, you can use overlapping elements to create a shadow effect or to create a 3D effect. You can also use overlapping elements to create a layering effect or to create a sense of depth in a design.

Usually, HTML pages are considered two-dimensional, because the text, images, and other elements are arranged on the page without overlapping. However, in addition to their horizontal and vertical positions, boxes can be stacked along the z-axis as well i.e. one on top of the other by using the CSS z-index property.

The most common way to create overlapping elements is to use the z-index property in CSS. The z-index property allows you to specify the order in which elements appear on the page. Elements with a higher z-index will appear on top of elements with a lower z-index.

This property specifies the stack level of a box whose position value is one of absolute, fixed, or relative.

box {
    position: absolute;
    top: 20px;
    right: 30px;
    z-index: 2;
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