What is React and why should we use it?

React JS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and corporations. React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.

In this article, we will learn what is React Js and why we should use it instead of other JavaScript frameworks like angular.

What is React JS?

Reactjs is basically an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces for single-page applications. This library is used to manage the “View” layer for the web. Also allows us to create reusable UI components. It was first developed by “Jordan Walke”, a senior Facebook engineer. It was first used on Facebook in 2011 and then in 2012 was used on Instagram.

Allows developers to create very large web applications that can change the date without reloading the page. The most important goals of React are simplicity, speed, and scalability. It is on the user interface and only corresponds to the View layer in the MVC architecture. This library can be combined and used with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as Angular.

What are the features of React Js?

Let’s take a look at the important features of React:

1- JSX

This uses JSX for templating instead of regular JavaScript. JSX is a JavaScript format for creating HTML DOMs as a component. Working with JSX files is easier than JavaScript like React Forms.

2- React Native

A Native JavaScript framework for developing mobile applications for both Android and iOS operating systems was introduced in 2015. This framework is based on the JavaScript language and the React library. This means that you can learn React Native by mastering React. Be far ahead of the rest. Of course, note that there are fundamental differences between this library and the framework.

3- Single-Way data flow

A set of immutable values between components are passed to HTML tags as properties. Components can not directly change any properties but can pass them to the call-back function and Help them make changes. This process is complete with “properties flow down; actions flow up ”.

4- Virtual Document Object Model

This framework creates an in-memory cache structure. In this structure, if a change occurs, it updates the DOM. This feature enables the programmer to rerender only the component that has changed in a wtpi change. A virtual DOM, like the DOM, is a tree of nodes. It contains the elements and attributes and the content as objects. The render() method creates a tree of React components and the change in each component causes this node to be updated.

Why ReactJS?

The main question before us is why one should use ReactJs. There are so many libraries and open-source frameworks for building front-end web applications that make development easier. Let’s take a look. Advantages of React over other frameworks and technologies. In a front-end world that is changing rapidly every day, it is very difficult to devote time to learning new frameworks, especially since many of these frameworks have a very long lifespan. It is short and can not be risked over time. So if you are looking for a technology that is one of the best in its field and has the value of risk, my suggestion is 100% React.

1- Simplicity

It is easy to understand. You can take a well-defined approach to components, a well-defined lifecycle, and use React JavaScript to learn and build professional web applications. It uses a special syntax called JSX. It allows you to combine HTML and JavaScript. You do not have to use JSX for templating, and the developer can still use JavaScript to do this, but if you do with JSX, never because of the simplicity. You will not use JavaScript for templating.

2- Easy learning

Anyone with a background in programming can easily learn React while Angular and Ember use a ‘Domain specific Language’ that is hard to learn. For React you need a little knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (more professional).

3- Native approach

As I mentioned in the previous paragraphs, React Native is based on JavaScript and React. So all the features we mentioned for React also apply to it too. In addition, the code is shared between the Android and IOS platforms and components You can use it in several projects.

4- Function

There are no pre-built containers for dependency. You can use Browserify, Require JS, and EcmaScript 6 modules using Babel, which is automatically added to dependencies.

5- Testability

ReactJS applications are incredibly easy to test, so we can check our functions and components by passing parameters, states, and outputs.

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