CSS Display and Visibility

Display and Visibility

CSS Display and Visibility are two important CSS properties used to control the visibility and display of HTML elements. They are both used to control the behavior of elements on a web page, but they work in different ways.

The CSS display property determines how an element is displayed on a page. It can be used to hide an element or to make an element visible. The display property can also be used to set the size and position of an element.

With the display property, you can specify how an element is displayed, which includes the following values:

Inline | block | contents | flex | grid | inline-block | none ,…

p {
   display: none;
}  // The element is completely removed.

The visibility property is used to control whether an element is visible or not. It can be used to hide an element or to make it visible. The visibility property can also be used to change the opacity of an element or to make an element invisible.

The visibility CSS property shows or hides an element without changing the layout of a document. This property cat takes the following values:

visibility: visible | hidden | collapse | initial | inherit;

p {
   visibility: hidden; 

The display and visibility properties are used together to control the behavior of elements on a web page. When both properties are set to visible, the element is visible. When the display property is set to none, the element is hidden. When the visibility property is set to hide, the element is still visible, but its contents are not visible.

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